Light ROM 3
Light ROM 3 - Disc 2.iso
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295 lines
Copyright (c) 1992 1993 1994 MAZAR Software Corporation
1801 N.E. 197 Terrace
N. Miami Beach, FL 33179
This is a DEMO version of the program. It does not have the ability to
any work that is done during an editing session. The pupose of this program
is just to give you the feel for WR3D.
The following text is just a terse explanation of the use of the program
functions based on the menu layout. The full package comes with a fully
illustrated manual.
How To Install:
Type the following:
pkunzip -d -o wr3d.zip
This will install 1 directory at you current level called 'WR3D'. It will
also create a second directory inside the 'WR3D' directory called 'DATA'.
All the executables will be in the 'WR3D' directory and an databases will
be located in the data directory.
THe hard disk layout will be:
│ └─DATA
Once the above is completed, if you haven't started windows, start it now.
1) From the windows 'Program Manager' select 'File' then select 'New'.
2) When the dialog appears select 'Program Group' then select 'OK'.
You will then have a new dialog appear 'Program Group Properties',
for the entry field 'Description' type 'WR3D' and select 'OK'.
3) Repeat STEP 1
4) When the dialog appears select 'Program Item' then select 'OK'.
You will then have a new dialog appear 'Program Item Properties',
for the entry field 'Command Line' type 'c:\wr3d\wr3d.exe', then
click in the entry field 'Working Directory' and type 'c:\wr3d'
and select 'OK'.
5) If you wish to access the help file by ICON, Repeat STEP 1.
6) When the dialog appears select 'Program Item' then select 'OK'.
You will then have a new dialog appear 'Program Item Properties',
for the entry field 'Command Line' type 'c:\wr3d\wr3d.hlp' and
select 'OK'.
If all went OK at this point you should be able to start the application.
By the way you may choose any drive that you want by substituting 'c:' for
your desired drive.
Now That It's Installed What Do I Do
This file is only ment as a miner form of information to use the product.
This is to give you a feel for what may be accomplished with the FULL
package. The basic difference between this version and the full version
is the SAVE features have been removed from the program.
The following is an explanation based on the program menu layout.
Information may also be accessed from the online help by highlighting
the desired menu selection and pressing 'F1'.
New This will erase the entire current database from memory, and will
prompt for an OK before this is done.
Open This is as implied.
Save This is as implied.
Info The system will display the current memory usage based on the
requirements of the database.
Exit As implied.
Copy Will copy the current display bitmap to the windows
Paste Will copy the current clipboard bitmap to the display.
Copy To Will copy the current display bitmap to a specified file.
Mode Toggle This is used to toggle between Point mode and Object mode.
Activated Points As implied will delete all activated points.
Activated Faces Same as above, but for faces leaving points.
Change Attribute
Activated Faces Allow you to change the current Attribute for
the selected faces.
Clean Database
Add Back Faces This is a function used for renders that require
the faces created 'Counter Clock Wise' by default
WR3D creates them 'Clock Wise'. This will duplicate
all currently existing faces, but constructed in
reverse order.
Remove Back Faces This function basically removes the above.
Toolbox Tools This will display a floating toolbox that contains
icons for all the following commands.
Point Merge This function allows the user to select a point
(the one to merge) and then expects the user to
select another point (the one to merge to). This
will reconstruct any triangle that reference the
first point to now reference the second point.
This feature does not remove the first point, it
leaves it in the database. There by it becomes
just a hanging point, with no faces referencing it.
Rotator Is as implied, it will rotate the select object
about the Center or Cursor based on the amount
of rotation specified by the user. All rotations
are in Degrees.
Scaler Allow the user to scale the selected objects about
the Cursor or Center by a specified amount. The
amounts are in decimal values. ie
x = 1
y = 2
z = 2
Will scale an object to no change on the X and
twice the size on the Y and Z.
x = .5
y = 1
z = 1
Will scale an object to 1/2 the original X and
no change for Y and Z.
Mover Will allow the user to move all selected objects
with a base reference on the cursor.
Twist This allows the user to say select the top half
of a cylinder and twist is into a candy cane
by moving the mouse cursor Left or Right.
Activator A yellow box will appear around the mouse cursor.
When this box is over a point and the user presses
the Left mouse button all point inside the box will
turn YELLOW (Selected). To increase the size of the
box press the '+' key while in the activator. To
decrease the size press '-'.
Deactivator Same as above but deselects the points.
Select All Single command to select everything
Deselect All Single command to deselect everything
Select By Attribute If a object are created with attribute and names
were given, the user will be presented with a
dialog box with the names. By double clicking
a name the name will appear in the second list box.
This means you want that one selected. If you
again double click the same one it is removed from
the second list box and is no longer considered
selected. You may select more than one name object
at a time.
Position Cursor This allows the user to postion the fixed cross
hair anywhere desired. This is an important
feature because the Cursor is used for rotations,
scaling, moving, spinning and gives the depth
value for a 2D view.
Center Cursor This function is used to find the center location
for all selected object and automatically place
the cursor there.
Fixed Toolbar This displays/Hides the toolbar at the top of the
drawing area. Also the icons displayed are user
definable, but explained in the full package.
Float Toolbar This displays/hides a toolbar that is dragable.
Good for moving out of the way and saving desktop
realestate. Also the icons are user definable.
Status Bar This diplays/hides the bar that appears at the
bottom of the screen.
Camera Position Allows the user to move the 'CAM' icon to a desired
Camera Target Allows the user to move the 'TAR' icon to a desired
location. Target is where the camera lens is
focused (LOOK AT POINT).
Set Global Allow the user to set global info such as Image
Render Resolution, Haze, Background Color,
Ambience, etc. Not much use without save.
Edit Attribute This is where a user defines surface features that
may be attached to objects.
Edit Textures This is where you may define textures that are
attached to Attributes, such as Wood, Checkered,
Mottled, Blend, Marble, etc. Not much use without
a save feature.
Toolbox Objects This will display a floating toolbox that contains
icons for all the following commands.
Point Places user in add point mode. When you press the
Left mouse button a point will be added to the
database at the current mouse location. When you
are finished adding points to exit this function
press the Right mouse button.
Sphere This function will prompt the user for Center.
By moving the mouse to the desired location and
pressing the Left mouse button, that location will
be the center reference for the sphere. Then as the
mouse is moved a dynamic representation of the
sphere is displayed. When the desired radius is
reached press the Left mouse button again and
the sphere is completed.
Polygon This will allow the user to create a polygon
by selecting a starting point by pressing the Left
mouse button. All subsequent points are done in
the same manner. DON'T DO THE FINAL CLOSURE. This
automatically apon completion, by pressing the
Right mouse button.
Annulus This function works the same as sphere except
you are required to give 2 Radii. Inner and outer.
Super Quadric Too much to deal with here, but try values of
of 1-3 for eps.
Parallelogram As implied the primitive requires 3 Points.
Wave Source Not much use in demo. But Active.
Light Source Not much use in demo. But Active.
Spin This feature is used to lath and object, spin
a section defined by a list of segments about
the current vertical axis.
Extrude This allows the user to draw layout of segments
and extrude in or out of the current screen
outward axis.
Duplicate This will copy any selected object and place you
in drag mode. To drop the objects just press the
Left mouse button.
Toolbox View This will display a floating toolbox that contains
icons for all the following commands.
Redraw As implied will redraw the current database.
Front Changes current view to FRONT view.
Top Changes current view to TOP view.
Side Changes current view to SIDE view.
Camera Changes current view to CAMERA view.
Zoom Window When selected a box will appear on the screen. When
the mouse is moved left or right this box
increases or decreases in size. Press the right
mouse button and a second box appears on the
screen. Press right mouse button again and the
scene will be regenerated to your specified zoom.
Meaning of zoom box1 and zoom box2.
ZoomBox1: Take in image that falls within
is box and make it fit into
the second box.
ZoomBox2: Take image outline from ZoomBox1
and make it fit into this one.
BASICALLY if Zoom1 is BIGGER then Zoom2 this means
zoom out. If Zoom1 is SMALLER then Zoom2 this means
zoom in.
Preview Display the camera view without drawing any points,
only vectors. Press right mouse button to exit.
Point Cloud When this option is selected, the display of the
database will show only the points and not faces.
The purpose of this is to speed up redisplay of the
Coordinates Open a movable window on the screen that displays
mouse position in XYZ space. Select again from menu
to remove.
Axis Display current X Y Z axis orientation in the lower
left part of the screen. Select again from menu to
Hidden Line This will produce a Hiddenline representation of
the current database being edited at the time of
the selection. You may abort the render at anytime
by merely pressing the 'ESC' key.
Quick This selection will produce a flat shaded
representation of the current database being
edited.You may at any time during the render abort
it by pressing the 'ESC' key.
Render Allow user to exec a command line rendered like
POV, VIVID, etc. Not much use with save feature.
Index Display top level index of help file.
About Displays a dialog with info about product.
For any function that requires a coordinate if the user press 'n' on the
keyboard you may then enter the exact coordinate by hand.
F1 Help
F5 Mode Toggle
F9 TOP View
F10 SIDE View
h Hide CAMERA and TARGET icon toggle
c Set CURSOR position
C Cursor to Center of screen
n Enter Coordinate manually
v Set CAMERA position
V Set TARGET position
X DELETE activated points
Page up Zoom out
Page down Zoom In
left Arrow Pan Left
right Arrow Pan Right
up Arrow Pan Up
down Arrow Pan Down
Space Redraw Screen
How To Order:
World Render 3D
Introductory Price: $199.95 + shipping & handling
MAZAR Software Corporation
1801 N.E. 197 Terrace
N. Miami Beach, FL. 33179